Friday, January 22, 2010

woah two posts in two days, look out

the view from my bed

my sheets, love them!

some of my high school students

dont let their angelic faces fool you, they are crazy :)

thai english is beautiful

claire, myself, jon, and brandon at GM

claire and hils going away dinner, brain tumor??

are these shrimp??

the mathus crew

nikki and some of the kindy teachers

Anita and Anaz, beautiful

this little guy has been showing up at the kindy recently

my balcony

our steet

hil and i after our 3 tier market shopping experience


  1. Your students are so cute in their uniforms! Did someone eat that crazy looking fish?

  2. no no one ate that fish... there are fish tanks everywhere and they are 'pets' i actually asked the same question yesterday when we went to dinner!
