Tuesday, March 16, 2010


the insane daily occurrences of living in thailand have begun to feel commonplace.  from dodging in and out of traffic, no one really caring about the color of the lights and just going through them anyway to waiting at a restaurant for your meal only find out it was never made.  today i went to a new laundry lady not really knowing where the shop was.  i was told to look for the shop where they make big metal things and then ill know that ive gone too far. i did as i was told and found a woman hanging laundry out on a line, stopped my bike and followed her inside.  there was a washing machine and another woman ironing.  "sawdeekah, dai mai?"  i said, which means 'hello, can i/can you?'  and pointed to my humongous laundry bag.  she smiled, grabbed my bag, and unloaded it into a basket. i 'wai-ed' her and left.  i can not even imagine that happening in the states, and i know that not even thinking twice about the randomness of the situation has to mean ive assimilated to thai culture somewhat.  go figure!

that might be why my posts have become few and far between.  it seems common to go someplace and see new, different, exciting things and want to document everything.  i took pictures like crazy and wrote all of the time, thinking that my new years resolution to document my life better was going swimmingly.  well now that im living more of a day to day life and things have gotten familiar, ive fallen off the bandwagon of documenting my life.  hopefully now that ive recognized the issue,  ill correct it.  looks like im doing a great job so far :) 

school is wrapping up for the term. since march, april, and may are the hottest months of the year they let schools out for the 'summer'.  i have my last day of teaching at the kindy tomorrow where we will have a graduation ceremony for the oldest class of kids.  they are singing a song in english and dancing to another song in english.  not to worry- videos will be posted.  next week is my last week of the rest of my classes and then summer camps start.  summer camp is just two weeks long and held at mathus.  i will be teaching 4-6 year olds.  it should be fun, a lot of crafts and silliness, all about different habitats;  the forest, jungle, arctic tundra.  awesome.

pictures to follow soon

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